Let's be real...

The tech industry was designed by men, for men. For years, women have had to sacrifice their empathy, silence their femininity, and dim their light to adhere to the industry standard. The result? 

Generations of women (like you!) are dissatisfied with the homogenous matrix of corporate politics and toxicity.


Today, being a woman in Tech be like…

  • Passed up for a promotions despite doing more than your role calls for
  • Burned out from having to prove that you are smart and qualified to be a leader
  • Told you’re not visible enough - even though there's no invisibility cloak in your closet
  • Pushed into thankless roles just to keep up with the Tech Bro Club and be seen as a team player
  • Constantly second guessing yourself because of the little voice in your head that tells you "you're gonna get fired."


I’m here to tell you, you deserve to be here. And lead with all of your glory.

I'M IN! 

Through my work with Shab, I've unlocked my superpowers as a leader and creator. I'm more engaged in my work because I'm integrating more parts of me into my decisions and processes. I also had the confidence to go after the biggest opportunity of my career, and so far I'm crushing it. I highly recommend Shab to anyone - especially women who are seeking to push their leadership capacity to the next level.

- Camiel Irving, VP & RGM, UBER

Read more about Camiel's transformation

Shabnam has helped me organize my thoughts and feelings so I can go after what truly brings me joy in my life and career. She has been an amazing coach and cheerleader and I'm so grateful to work with her.

- May-Ying M. Product Manager, Viz.Ai

I feel more emotionally stable than ever and excited about my future. I can confidently say I wouldn't have felt that way if I hadn't gone through the coaching experience with Shab. I use many of the tools we developed in my day to day life and I feel eternally grateful for Shab and the time she took to understand me and my needs.

- Emily Brown, Merchandise Manager, Lolli & Pops

Ready to tackle the obstacles standing between you and your dreams?